Monday, October 7, 2013

Mighty Silence

For most of my life, I've been having these...these nightmares.  They're never the same, but they sometimes include a recurring character or idea.  They occur every time I shut my eyes in sleep, and I'm rarely afforded the relief of wakefulness.  Of every concept ever explored within these dreams, the most prominent idea was a command for my silence about all that I was seeing.  Being a young child, afraid of sleeping, this is what I did.

When I was around four, I would try and keep bad things from happening by warning those around which the horrors revolved.  Rather than sympathy, I was rewarded with looks of shock and contempt that would slowly overshadow my listeners.  My command of silence was reinforced tremendously.

It wasn't until recently that I began to realize a need to share the dreams again.   When I failed to alert a friend of a catastrophic event, one that has since forever changed his life, I realized that I needed to share my visions in an effort to help others, even if my words were met with disbelief.  I But before I could say a word, I was overcome with a fear which has limited my ability to speak certain words aloud.

After speaking with my therapist, and after delving deep within myself, it has become apparent to me, and to those aware of my situation, that I must make these stories known to the world.  Without opening my mouth, I will share them with you here.

Listen to my silence.

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